Pollock, Louisiana

Growing For The Future 

March 2021 Council Meeting

Town of Pollock
Town Meeting Minutes


     The Mayor & Town Council met on said date in a Regular Session at 9 A.M. in the Pollock Municipal Building Council Room, Pollock, La.  The following members were present: Mayor Deborah Tumminello, Councilwoman Cynthia Dickey, Councilwoman Misty Kinn, Councilman Ron Wilkins, and Councilman Carroll Cathey.  Absent:  Councilwoman Dee Thorne.

     Mayor Tumminello called Town Meeting to order by leading the “Lord’s Prayer”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Tumminello welcomed guests.

          Mayor Tumminello’s comments: “I wanted to thank our town employees, citizens of Pollock, Police Dept., Councilwoman Dickey and Councilwoman Kinn for helping make the Krewe of Pollock 16th Mardi Gras car Parade a great success. Our kids enjoyed coming through in cars to receive their treats”.

          Mayor Tumminello thanked Matt Dezendorf and town employees for keeping the town running smooth during the snow and ice storm. The town never run out of water. Our generators did a great job keeping our wells, water plant, sewer plant and lift stations going. Want to thank Michelle Bordelon for monitoring social media issues in the community and for updating our face book page.

          Motion was made to approve the monthly Meeting Minutes of February 1, 2021 by Councilwoman Kinn, seconded by Councilwoman Dickey. Roll call vote: 3 yeas, 1 abstain (Cathey), 0 nays and 1 absent (Thorne).  Motion carried.

          Meeting open for Public Comments: No comments

          Motion was made by Councilman Cathey to Adopt the Municipal Water Pollution Prevention Environmental Resolution (MWPP) that is required each year by the LDEQ for monthly monitoring of effluent from our wastewater treatment plant. Motion seconded by Councilwoman Dickey. Roll call vote:  4 yeas, o nays 1 absent (Thorne). Motion carried.

          Attorney Greg Jones stated the Covid-19 status might be changed when the Governor gives his update this week. LDH along with I.C.E. will do an inspection on the asphalt road at the Pollock airport within the next few weeks.

          Pan American Representative, Mr. Jacob Guillory stated due to Covid-19 and the ice storms, the road and streets overlay is back on schedule for bid advertisement in 5 different papers. The bids will be opened the last week of April at the Pollock Town Hall, and will be presented at the regular May town meeting for approval.

          C.P.A. Report, Mr. Steven McKay was unable to attend.

          Chief of Police had no report to present. Disseminated his monthly report.

          Town Clerk Judy Shelton disseminated the monthly Town of Pollock Financial Report and gave a little detail information report.

          Supervisor Matt Dezendorf gave an update on the Culvert Project.

Installation is complete on 11 culverts and about 6 more left to be done.  The town employee guys walked down every street in town last week to pick up debris around Town. They worked on Lift Station on George Davidson Road, which is 90% complete.  Just have to put fence up and smooth out dirt.

          Councilwoman Kinn asked about the Easter Egg Hunt for the children.  Attorney Jones stated to go ahead with plans to have it.

          Mayor’s report: Mayor Tumminello reminded everyone of the early voting dates: March 6th through 13th, with election on Saturday, March 20th. So far no one can answer if we will have Dogwood Festival. Maybe next year they will be able to plan one.  The pavilion in Foster Park will be rebuilt as soon we get insurance settlement completed.

          Motion was made to adjourn by Councilwoman Kinn, seconded by Councilwoman Dickey. All in favor, 4 yeas, 1 absent. Motion carried.


 Judy Shelton, Town Clerk

Committed to working with the people and for the good of Pollock