January 2020 Council Meeting
Town of Pollock
Town Meeting Minutes
The Mayor & Town Council met on Monday, January 6, 2020, in regular session, at 9 A.M., in the Pollock Municipal Building Council Chambers, in Pollock, Louisiana The following members were present: Mayor Jerome Scott, Councilwoman Dee Thorne, Councilman Ron Wilkins, Councilman Carroll Cathey and Councilwoman Misty Kinn. Absent was Councilwoman Deborah Tumminello.
Mayor Scott called Town Meeting to order by leading the “Lord’s Prayer”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Scott welcomed guests and wished everyone a Happy New Year and a blessed 2020.
A motion was made to adopt the December 2, 2019, Public Hearing Minutes by Councilman Ron Wilkins, seconded by Councilwoman Misty Kinn. On a roll call vote: 3 yeas, 0 nays, 1 abstain (Cathey), 1 absent (Tumminello). The motion passed. A motion was then offered by Councilman Wilkins, seconded by Councilwoman Kinn to adopt the Town council Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2019. On a roll call vote: 3 yeas, 0 nays, 1 abstain (Cathey), 1 absent (Tumminello). The motion passed.
Meeting open for Public Comments: No comments
Mayor Scott opened the Council Meeting to Council Comments: Councilwoman Thorne wished everyone a Happy New Year.
Attorney Greg Jones complimented the Pollock Police Officers for a job well done for 2019. Mayor Scott agreed, stating, “We have some great police officers protecting our town.”
The Town C.P.A., Mr. Steven McKay, stated that he is very excited that the Town of Pollock’s two new stores (Family Dollar Store and Dollar General Store) will be opening soon. Mayor Scott stated that the Family Dollar will open on Thursday, January 9th, and Dollar General will open on Saturday, January 11th. “This is an exciting time for the Town of Pollock, and I am glad to be a part of this.”
Chief of Police Chris Paul disseminated the Town of Pollock monthly Police report.
Town Clerk Judy Shelton disseminated the monthly Town of Pollock Financial Report.
Mayor’s report:
(1) Mayor Scott reminded all Council members and town employees that Ethics
training, Preventing Sexual Harassment training, and submission of Tier 3 Financial Disclosure must be completed as soon as possible.
(2) Mayor Scott thanked those who took time to participate in the annual Town of
Pollock Christmas Parade on December 14th, and especially thanked those who worked so hard to coordinate the parade (including Donna Roberts, Councilwoman Misty Kinn, Cindy Dickie, Christal Charrier, and Stacy Charrier, and others.
(3) Family Movie Night will begin again in May.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Kinn to adjourn, seconded by Councilwoman Thorne. All in favor, 4 yeas, 0 nays, and 1 absent. The motion carried.
Judy Shelton, Town Clerk