December 2020 Council Meeting
Mayor Deborah Tumminello called the public hearing meeting to order. The meeting, was held in the Pollock Municipal Building, on Monday, December 7, 2020, at 8:45 A.M., regarding Ordinance #12-07-20A, the 2020 Amended Budget, and Ordinance #12-07-20B, the Operating Budget for 2020. Mayor asked if anyone would like to come forward and speak. No one came forward. Mayor Tumminello closed the Public Hearing at 9:00 A.M.
Mayor Tumminello & Town Council met on said date in a Regular Session at 9:00 A.M., in the Pollock Municipal Building, Council Meeting Room, Pollock, LA. The following members were present: Mayor Deborah Tumminello, Councilwoman Dee Thorne (outside in car on speaker phone due to Covid-19) Councilwoman Sharon Zeh, Councilman Ron Wilkins, Councilman Carroll Cathey, and Councilwoman Misty Kinn.
Mayor Tumminello called meeting to order, led the attendees in the “Lord’s Prayer”, and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Tumminello welcomed guests to meeting.
Meeting open for public comments. Mrs. Patty Shavers approached Mayor and Town Council concerning a FEMA trailer being moved onto her property. Council had approved for Mrs. Shavers to move in a new mobile home on her property with pictures and specs to be brought back to Council for approval. Council decided by Attorney Jones recommendation of FEMA trailers, which are all new mobile homes and built to State specs, for Chris Wiley to inspect and if the mobile home meets with Town of Pollock specs and guidelines, Mrs. Shavers can have the trailer on her property.
A motion was made to approve the Town Council Meeting Minutes for November 2, 2020, by Councilwoman Kinn, seconded by Councilwoman Zeh. On a roll call vote: 5 Yeas, Motion carried.
Attorney Jones brought before Mayor Tumminello and Town Council to amend 1 issue to be introduced into the Zoning Ordinance Code for approval: VRBO (bed & breakfast) resident housing for 2 people per room. Motion made by Councilman Cathey to amend VRBO, seconded by Councilwoman Kinn. Roll call vote: 5 yeas. Motion carried. Introduce to amend Vicious Dogs & Pit Bulls Ordinance to add Microchip by vet, present vaccine records yearly, registration fee $25.00 and adjust insurance to $1 million and provide proof yearly. Motion made by Councilman Cathey, seconded by Councilwoman Kinn with 5 yeas. Motion carried.
Attorney Jones presented to Mayor and Town Council update on the United States Marshal Service with photos and inspection project improvement on the road and asphalt driving course. Attorney Jones inspection of the completed driving course and rear entrance of airport has resulted in significant improvements for Town of Pollock, USMS and hopefully future police affiliated programs. This project was around $2 million dollar range and was funded by the United States Marshal Service.
Attorney Jones gave update on current conditions and airport lease inspection with photos. Airport is in very good shape with hay areas mowed and maintained with 12 airplanes stationed in Enclosed Hanger and 7 airplanes at Overhang.
Aviation Engineering Firm (I.C.E.) is planning a runway improvement project grant. The project will be funded by LA DOTD Grant for $100,000, State Project #H.014451. The Airport Layout Drawing Update must be reviewed and approved by Aviation Engineering Firm before contract is given to Town Council for approval. Motion by Councilman Cathey, seconded by Councilwoman Zeh. All approved with 5 yeas. Motion carried.
Pan American Engineers gave update on Capital Improvement Roadway & Streets in Town. This week the CDBG Grant application will be sent in for approval for the Sewer Pump Rehab and hopefully receive by April 2021. After much discussion with Pan American Engineers concerning getting bids out for public viewing all over central Louisiana it was decided an advertisement bid budget of under $1,000 total for all newspapers and other avenues for town bids. Central Bidding is another option at no cost to Town. Pan American will bring back figures and names for next month meeting.
Motion was made to approve and adopt Ordinance #12-07-2020A, Amended Budget for 2020 by Councilwoman Kinn seconded by Councilwoman Thorn. Roll call vote: 4 yeas, 1 abstain (Cathey). Motion carried. Adopt Ordinance #12-07-2020 the Operating Budget for 2021 by Councilwoman Kinn, seconded Councilman Wilkins. Roll call vote: 3 yea, 1 nay (Cathey), 0 absent, 1 abstain (Thorne). Motion carried.
Police Chief Chris Paul disseminated his report before meeting. Asked for approval to hire Glen Norman as a new police officer with a 90 day probation period. Motion to hire Glen Norman was made by Councilman Cathey, seconded by Councilwoman Kinn. Roll call vote: 5 yeas. Motion carried.
Supervisor Matt Dezendorf spoke about the street project that culverts around town that need to be replaced. The Town replacing some culvert are not included in the street project. The culverts should be installed before the streets are paved. Request for the number of culverts and locations by next Town Meeting. Mr. Dezendorf gave update on Well 2 rehab, very successful, a 69% flow increase. Rebuilt pump and placed back into well. The Town was able to save money on this project by cleaning the screen.
Town Clerk July Shelton disseminated the Financial Report to Mayor Tumminello and Town Council. Gave a brief update.
Councilwoman Kinn stated she hates to report the Christmas Parade has been cancelled for this year.
Mayor’s report: Mayor Tumminello also stated she hated to have to cancel the Christmas Parade, but the Town has to follow the safety guidelines for the State. Samaritan House is requesting help for bell ringer for Salvation Army in Colfax at Ford’s food center. Contact Sissy Eznack for information. Mayor Tumminello wished everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Attorney Jones stated it has been a very hard year for everyone especially the Pollock Town Hall. The Police Department along with Ms. Budrow, have keep the police court in session, even with the back of the Police Dept. in renovation from the hurricane. Had a lot of damage from the hurricanes in Pollock, but took it in stride and cleaned up the town. Covid-19 was devastating for Pollock .The loss of the town’s mayor, Jerome Scott, was the hardest time of all. This little town has been through a lot this year, but I am proud to say they handled it very well and I am proud of them all, Mayor, Council, Police and town employees, all worked together.
Everyone thanked Attorney Jones.
A motion was made to adjourn by Councilwoman Kinn, seconded by Councilman Wilkins. All in favor with 5 yeas. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting dismissed.
Judy Shelton, Town Clerk