Pollock, Louisiana

Growing For The Future 

May 2018 Council Meeting

Town of Pollock

Town Meeting Minutes


MONDAY, MAY 7, 2018


          The Mayor and Town Council met on Monday, May 7, 2018, in Regular Session at 9 A.M., in the Pollock Municipal Building Council Room, in Pollock, Louisiana.  The following members were present: Mayor Jerome Scott, Councilwoman Sharon Zeh, Councilman Ron Wilkins, Councilwoman Connie Vanantwerpen and Councilman Randy Estes.  Councilwoman Deborah Tumminello was absent from the meeting.

           Mayor Scott called Town Council Meeting to order by leading the “Lord’s Prayer”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Scott welcomed the guests in attendance.

           A motion was made to approve the April 7, 2018, Town Council Meeting Minutes by Councilwoman Zeh, seconded by Councilwoman Vanantwerpen. All in favor:  4 yeas and 1 absent. Motion carried.

          Meeting open for Public Comments: Ms. June spoke about East Meade Road and speeders and no road sign on the road. Mayor Scott informed her that area is located outside the Pollock City limits, but that he would assist her in contacting the Grant Parish Sheriff’s Office and the Grant Parish Police Jury to rectify both problems.  He thanked her for attending the Town Council meeting and invited her to come again.

          Meeting open for Council Comments: no comments.

          Mayor Scott presented June Emily “Penny” Johnson an Appreciation Plaque in appreciation for her years of service on the Pollock Council. Ms. Johnson was very appreciative. 

          Mayor Scott stated that enough money has been placed in savings to pay cash for long-needed generators for the town.  ‘For years we have needed these  so that in the event of electricity outage, the town’s water and sewer systems as well as government buildings can continue to run smoothly and serve the people.  We need to advertise for bids and have a bid opening prior to next month’s Town Council Meeting  (June 4th).”  A motion was made by Councilman Estes, second by Councilwoman Zeh to advertise for sealed bids for six (6) Town of Pollock Generators. The Bidding Documents (including specifications and scope of work) may be obtained at the Pollock Municipal Building located at 3911 Hwy. 8 West. Plans and documents may be picked up beginning May 14th, 2018, and ending May 18th, 2018, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. Completed bids should be returned to the Pollock Municipal Building (same address) no later than 2:00 P.M. on Friday, May 25th, 2018. Bids will be publicly opened on Monday June 4th, 2018,at 9:00 A.M., in the Pollock Municipal Building. Any bid received after the specified time and date will not be considered.  The motion was approved by all Town Council members in attendance (absent:  Deborah Tumminello). The generators will be paid for with CASH money by the Town of Pollock.

           Pan American Mr. Bill Dean had no comments.

          A motion was made by Councilwoman Vanantwerpen, seconded by Councilwoman Zeh, approving Mayor Jerome Scott to sign the annual Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire for the 2017 Audit with Rozier, Harrington and McKay, C.P.A.  All in favor:  4 yeas and 1 absent. Motion carried.

          C.P.A. Report: Mr. Daniel Waldron was introduced to the Town Council and guest by Mayor Scott. Mr. Waldron stated that the 2017 Annual Audit was going well and looking good.

          Attorney Gregory Jones was unable to attend the Town Council Meeting.

          Chief of Police Chris Paul submitted a request for introduction of an Ordinance updating fines and increasing Cost of Court ($15.50).    A motion was made by Councilman Ron Wilkins to introduce an Ordinance for Publication to update fines and increase Cost of Court by $15.50., seconded by Councilwoman Zeh.  Roll Call Vote with 4 yeas, 0 nays and 1 absent. Motion carried. A public Hearing on the Traffic Fine fee update and Cost of Court increase will be held on Monday, June 4th, 2018, at 8:50 A.M., at the Pollock Municipal Building, Pollock, La.

          Town Clerk Judy Shelton disseminated the monthly Town of Pollock Financial Report. 

          Mayor’s report:  “I am very happy to announce that the grant application I submitted for a Louisiana Development Block Grant (L.C.D.B.G.) has been approved.  I received word from Governor Edwards that the full amount requested ($369,600.) was funded and will be used to upgrade the Town of Pollock’s water system by reconfiguring the chlorination system, relocating pumps, installing control panels, repairing/replacing the altitude valve, and installing a chlorine residual analyzer.”

“I recently received a call from the Louisiana Worker’s Compensation (L.W.C.C.) representative informing me that due to our good safety practices, on-going safety training, and lack of job-related accidents, the Town of Pollock will be receiving a $14,467. Rebate refund.”

“Family Movie Night, featuring Despicable Me, will be held on Monday, May 21st, at 7:30 P.M. at the Pollock Municipal Building amphitheater.  Seating is available in the amphitheater, or people can bring lawn chairs.  We will be serving, popcorn, candy and drinks.  Everyone is invited for a fun community family evening.”

“I have received word that our Community Water Enrichment Fund Grant application has been funded.  The amount of the grant is $16,898., and will fund water system improvements, water pipe, and tap fittings.”

“The annual Grant Parish Memorial Day Ceremony will be held at 10:00 A.M. on Monday, May 28th in the Town of Pollock Community Center, located on Patterson Street.  This is the only Memorial Day Ceremony held each year in Grant Parish and all are encouraged to attend.  Following the ceremony, there will be a reception and an opportunity for reflection at our beautiful granite memorial honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we live today as free people.”

“The Town of Pollock and several of Pollock’s employees (John Genova, Jacob Hebert, Randy Wade, and Kim Dezendorf) have been nominated for Louisiana Rural Water Association awards.  I am very proud of our town and employees and wish them the best of luck.  The winners will be announced at the annual L.R.W.A. luncheon in Lake Charles, on July 18, 2018.”

          Motion was made to adjourn by Councilwoman Zeh, seconded by Councilman Estes. All in favor, 4 yeas, 0 nays and 1 absent. Motion carried.



Judy Shelton, Town Clerk

Committed to working with the people and for the good of Pollock