Pollock, Louisiana

Growing For The Future 

November 2019 Council Meeting

Town of Pollock

Town Council Meeting Minutes

NOVEMBER 4, 2019


            The Mayor & Town Council on November 4, 2019, in a Regular Session at 9:00 A.M. in the Pollock Municipal Building, Council Chambers, Pollock, La.  The following members were present: Mayor Jerome Scott, Councilwoman Dee Thorne, Councilman Ron Wilkins, Councilman Carroll Cathey and Councilwoman Sharon Zeh. Absent: Councilwoman Deborah Tumminello.

            Mayor Scott called meeting to order, led in the “Lord’s Prayer” and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

            Mayor welcomed guests to meeting.

            Meeting open for public comments.  There were no public comments.

            Meeting open for Council Member comments. Councilwoman Zeh stated she was very impressed with the participation and turn out of kids in “Boo in the Park.”  Mayor Scott stated that it seemed to be the best “Boo in the Park” yet, thanks to Misty Kinn and others for helping organize the enjoyable event. “Misty volunteers her help with lots of Town functions and we all appreciate her, so thank you again.”

            Motion was made to approve Town Meeting Minutes for October 7, 2019, by Councilman Wilkins, seconded by Councilman Cathey. Roll call vote: Thorne-yea, Wilkins-yea, Cathey-yea and Zeh - abstain. Yeas 3, Nays 0, Abstain -1, Absent -1 (Tumminello).  Motion carried. 

            Discussion from Councilman Cathey to change the monthly Town Council Meeting time. Councilman Cathey would like to change the current 9:00 A.M. on the first Monday of each month time and day to a different time and day so that more town citizens will be able to attend. Town citizens who were in attendance at the Town Council Meeting all spoke in favor of leaving the monthly Town Council Meeting time in the morning.  There was discussion on how to notify citizens of the Agenda for meeting. The Agenda is currently not on our web site, but it is in the Town Hall for pick up a week before the Town Meeting. Mr. Tripp Dungan of CLECO stated that he attends many town council meetings in other towns, and that the attendance at Pollock Council meetings is in the top 10% of all the meetings he attends. It does not seem to matter the time or day the meeting was held, the attendance was usually small unless a major problem was on the Agenda.  He stated that Pollock’s meeting seems to be attended by citizens more than at other small towns.  After a heated and long discussion on sending stamped returned questionnaire post cards that failed on a motion by Councilman Cathey, seconded by Councilwoman Thorne. The tie vote was broken by Mayor Scott voting no, along with Wilkins and Zeh. A suggestion to place it on Pollock’s website for a prompt question for the citizens to answer regarding what they might want for a time and day of each monthly Town Council Meeting when paying water bills was made by Councilman Cathey. It was finally decided and agreed upon by the Town Council for Attorney Jones to draft a notice to receive feedback from citizens on when they would like to have the Town Council Meeting held  (A.M. or P.M.) and a what day of the week they would like it held. Then the Town Council can go forward with this procedure decision.

            Town Attorney Jones had no further comments.

            Town C.P.A. Steven McKay introduced the Ordinance for the 2019 Amended Budget and an Ordinance for the Proposed 2020 Budget. Motion was made to introduce the Ordinances #12-2-19A for publication by Councilman Cathey, seconded by Councilwoman Thorne. Roll call vote: Thorne - yea, Wilkins - yea, Cathey – yea and Zeh – yea. 4 Yeas, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Tumminello), Motion carried. Motion was made to introduce for publication Ordinance #12-2-19B by Councilwoman Zeh, seconded by Councilwoman Thorne. Roll call vote: Thorne –yea, Wilkins –yea, Cathey –yea, and Zeh –yea. 4 Yeas, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Tumminello). Motion carried.  A Public Hearing will be held at the Municipal Building, 3911 Hwy 8, Pollock in the Council Chambers at 8:45 A.M., on December 2, 2019.

            Pan American Engineers were unable to attend.

            Chief Chris Paul disseminated his police report. Motion was made to approve the appointment of a part-time deputy, Ethan Hemphill, by Councilwoman Thorne, seconded by Councilwoman Zeh. All approved with 4 yeas. Motion carried.

            Town Clerk Judy Shelton disseminated the Financial Report to Mayor Scott and Town Council.

            Mayor Scott’s Report: The Town will be getting a new slide in Foster Park thanks to Mr. Alton Thorne.  He picked it up as a donation to the Town of Pollock from Baytown, Texas.

    Mayor Scott reminded everyone about the upcoming “Santa in the Park.”  It will be held at the Pollock Municipal Building on Saturday, November 30th, from 5:00 P.M. until 6:00 P.M.  “Bring all the kiddos to visit with Santa!  We’ll have a blast!”

            Motion was made to adjourn by Councilwoman Zeh, seconded by Councilman Cathey. All in favor with 4 yeas. Motion carried.


Mayor Jerome F. Scott                                   

Judy Shelton, Town Clerk

Committed to working with the people and for the good of Pollock