January 2019 Special Meeting
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2019 AT 10:00 A.M.
Mayor Jerome Scott and the Pollock Town Council met in the Council Chambers of the Pollock Municipal Building at 10 A.M., on Thursday, January 17, 2019, in Pollock, Louisiana. The following members were present: Mayor Jerome Scott, Councilwoman Dee Thorne, Councilwoman Deborah Tumminello, Councilman Ronald Wilkins, Councilman Carroll Cathey and Councilman Randy Estes.
Mayor Scott called the Special Council Meeting to order, welcomed guests, and led those in attendance in the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Mark McKay, Town of Pollock C.P.A, (Rozier, Harrington and McKay----Discussion of Providing Town-Funded Health Insurance for Chief of Police Chris Paul.
- Mr. Mark McKay—Presently, health insurance for Town of Pollock employees costs the town approximately $10,000. per month.
Elected officials are not covered. - Mr. Mark McKay—If the town does opt to cover an elected official (Chief of Police), with town-funded health insurance, then all of Pollock’s elected officials must be offered town-funded health insurance. This would be at an additional cost to the Town of Pollock of $60,000. to $75,000. per year.
- Mr. Clay Cooper (a representative of Blue Cross Insurance) stated that approximately 75% of the people in Louisiana are covered by Blue Cross.
- Councilman Carroll Cathey would like to have the proof of the Louisiana statute number that states if one elected official is offered town-funded insurance, then all elected officials must be offered town-funded health insurance. Town Attorney Greg Jones responded that he would be happy to provide the written Louisiana Statute or laws concerning the legalities. He will have them at the next Pollock Town Council Meeting to be held on February 4, 2019.
- Attorney Greg Jones asked Mr. Clay Cooper to please attend the next Pollock Town Council Meeting (February 4, 2019, at 9:00 A.M.), and to find out more information regarding health insurance for elected officials. He asked that Mr. Cooper bring that information on that date.
- Pollock town citizen, Mr. Philip Hale, asked to speak. He agrees with the importance of providing town-funded health insurance for employees. The Mayor, Town Council, and Chief of Police are not employees. They are elected officials and choose to serve and, “I don’t see that becoming an elected official should be used as a method to get health insurance.” He went on to say that he has no issue with the Chief of Police having town-funded insurance if it does not have a negative impact on the current insurance funding. He stated that, “I don’t think the citizens of Pollock would appreciate funding insurance for the Town Council members”.
- Citizen, Mr. Randy Holt, stated that our town is financially secure and that we have built some surpluses that we should not take advantage of. “Let’s slow down, do not overspend, and watch our money so that we remain in good shape.” He agreed with Mr. Hale’s thoughts.
- Councilman Carroll Cathey stated that we all want what is right for our Chief. In the event that we lose our Chief of Police, can the Town of Pollock get another Chief if we do not offer health insurance? We need to find a legal way to get this done.
With no other discussion or comments offered, a motion to adjourn was offered by Councilman Estes, and seconded by Councilman Cathey. All were in favor and the meeting was adjourned.