May 2019 Council Meeting
MONDAY, May 6, 2019 AT 9:00 A.M.
Mayor Scott and the Pollock Town Council met in the Council Chambers of the Pollock Municipal Building at 9:00 a.m., in Pollock, Louisiana. The following members were present: Mayor Jerome Scott, Councilwoman Dee Thorne, Councilwoman Deborah Tumminello, Councilman Ron Wilkins, Councilman Carroll Cathey, and Councilman Randy Estes.
Mayor Scott called the Town of Pollock Council Meeting to order and led the Pollock Town Council and guests in the Lord’s Prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Scott then welcomed all of those in attendance at the Town Council Meeting.
A motion was offered by Councilwoman Tumminello to approve the Public Hearing Minutes of April 1, 2019, seconded by Councilman Wilkins. Approved with 5 yeas, motion carried. Motion made by Councilwoman Thorne to approve the regular Town Council Meeting Minutes of April 1, 2019, seconded by Councilwoman Tumminello. Roll call vote: 5 yeas, 0 nays. Motion Carried.
Meeting open to the Public: No Comments.
Town Council Meeting open to Town Council: Councilman Cathey expressed a need for a YARD OF THE MONTH sign to be awarded each month in each zone of the Town of Pollock rather than having one sign for the entire Town of Pollock. Mayor Scott appointed Councilwoman Thorne to note the different town zones according to the TOWN OF POLLOCK ZONING ORDINANCE and to determine the number of signs to be ordered, and to determine the guidelines for awarding the monthly signs. Mayor Scott asked her to appoint a committee to help her with this endeavor, and to report the progress and results at the June, 2019 Pollock Town Council Meeting.
On a motion offered by Councilwoman Tumminello, seconded by Councilman Cathey, sewer pump station rehabilitation at the town’s wet well would be selected as the 2020/2021 L.C.D.B.G Grant proposal. All in favor with 5 yeas. Motion carried unanimously.
After discussion, it was decided to table any vote on the use of local matching funds for the 2020/2021 L.C.D.B.G. Grant proposal. This vote will take place during the June, 2019, Pollock Town Council Meeting.
Town Attorney Gregory Jones stated that, according to Pan American Engineers, there needs to be a hydraulic analysis completed before the Town Council decides whether or not a 30” culvert should to be installed on John Street behind Councilwoman Thorne’s house. The Thornes have requested that the town complete and pay for this culvert project. It needs to be determined if the placement of a culvert could cause flooding or erosion.
“As in any other Public Works project, some type of cost benefit analysis should be conducted to justify the expenditure versus the expected benefits”, according to Thomas C. David, Jr., of Pan American Engineers, L.L.C.
C.P.A. Steven McKay of Rozier, Harrington and McKay brought the Monthly Income Statement to the table because Councilman Cathey has requested a change in format for the monthly Financial Statement. Mr. McKay stated he would take a further review of the Financial Statement on how it might be presented to the Public Officials, probably starting at next month’s Pollock Town Council Meeting.
Councilman Cathey offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Estes, to approve that Chief of Police Chris Paul receive town funded health insurance as of June 1, 2019. This will also include all Town of Pollock elected officials. The new anniversary date will be June 1st for The Town of Pollock. Roll call vote: Thorne – yea; Tumminello – yea; Wilkins – abstain; Cathey – yea and Estes – yea. 4 yeas, 1 abstain, 0 absent. Motion carried.
Chief of Police Chris Paul disseminated his monthly police report to Council and Mayor.
Town Clerk Judy Shelton disseminated the Town’s monthly Financial Report to Mayor Scott and the Town Council Members.
Mayor’s Report:
(1) “The annual Town of Pollock Easter Egg Hunt was, I believe, the best we have ever had. Thanks to those who worked so hard to make it the success that it was. We had a ball. I thank those of you who took the time and interest to come out, help, and represent our town.”
(2) “I received notice today that the C.W.E.F. Grant proposal I submitted a few months back has been approved for F.Y. 2018/2019. The Community Water Enrichment Fund (C.W.E.F.) has been granted to us in the amount up to $17,144.00. These funds will be used to install flush valves on the Town’s water distribution system.”
(3) “The Dogwood Festival was great. Thank you to everyone who helped put it together and who worked very hard to put on a wonderful family-friendly festival for our community.”
(4) “Our first outdoor Farmer’s Market of the year was, unfortunately, rained out. We will have one next month on Saturday, June 8th, starting at 7 A.M.”
(5) “We will begin this year’s Family Movie Night on Tuesday, May 14th, starting at 7:30 P.M. Come enjoy some family fun and refreshments. Bring lawn chairs. Movie: RALPH WRECKS THE INTERNET.”
(6) “The 2019 Grant Parish Memorial Day Ceremony is scheduled for Monday, May 27th, starting at 10 A.M. It will be held in the Town of Pollock Community Center.”
(7) “The Town of Pollock had a three-year state Sanitary Survey. We had one of the best Sanitary Surveys we have ever had. .
A motion was made to adjourn by Councilwoman Thorne, seconded by Councilwoman Tumminello. Roll call vote: All in favor: 5 yeas, 0 nays. Motion Carried.
Mayor Jerome F. Scott
Judy Shelton, Town Clerk