Pollock, Louisiana

Growing For The Future 

January 2022 Meeting Minutes

Town of Pollock

Town Council Meeting Minutes

January 4, 2022


The Mayor & Town Council met on said date in a Regular Session at 6 P.M. in the Pollock Municipal Building Council Room, Pollock, La.


The following members were present: Councilwoman Misty Kinn, Councilman Sheldon Smith, Councilman Mike Cryer, Councilwoman Dee Thorne, and Councilwoman Cindy Dickey. Absent:  Mayor Douglas Beavers


Mayor Pro Temp, Councilwoman Thorne called the meeting to order. The "Lord's Prayer" was led by Councilman Smith, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Cryer.

Councilwoman Thorne welcomed guests.

Meeting opened for public comments or questions from anyone in attendance.

State Representative Gabe Firment was in attendance. He stated that he just wanted to be present and say “HI” and to let everyone know that his office is located at 181 Barron Rd., Pollock and that he can assist citizens with various issues, ranging from the DMV, Wildlife & Fisheries, VA, SSI among other issues. He also informed the council, and everyone present that beginning February 1, 2022, new political boundary lines would be decided for the different districts. Representative Firment discussed broadband and told the council that he had applied for 7.5 million in Gumbo Funding.

Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Cryer to approve the monthly Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2021, town council meeting. Roll call vote: Yeas 5, Nays 0, Abstain 0, Absent 0. Motion carried.

Pan American Engineers representative Spencer Gauthier was present.

Motion by Councilwoman Kinn, seconded by Councilwoman Dickey to add LCDBG Love Louisiana Outdoors Program discussion and Resolutions to the agenda. Roll call vote:  Yeas 5, Nays 0, Abstain 0, Absent 0. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilman Cryer, seconded by Councilwoman Dickey to adopt a resolution which commits the Town to pay for technical assistance, administration, and grant application fees in relation to the Town’s LCDBG FY 2021 Love Louisiana Outdoors Program, and which selects Pan American Engineers, LLC to provide said technical assistance, administration, and grant application services. Roll call vote:  Yeas 5, Nays 0, Abstain 0, Absent 0. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilwoman Dickey, seconded by Councilwoman Kinn to adopt the resolution which commits the Town to pay for engineering, observation of construction, topographic survey, geotechnical investigations, and miscellaneous related costs in relation to the Town’s LCDBG FY 2021 Love Louisiana Outdoors Program, and which selects Pan American Engineers, LLC to provide said engineering services. Roll call vote:  Yeas 5, Nays 0, Abstain 0, Absent 0. Motion carried.

Town CPA, Mr. Steven McKay was present and had nothing to report.

Town Attorney, Mr. Greg Jones discussed the new variant of covid and reminded everyone to be safe.

Councilwoman Dickey asked about a start date for the new park.

Councilwoman Kinn wanted to know if there was an ordinance pertaining to the thrift store. There is concern about an overflow of items and about rodents.

Councilwoman Thorne recognized the town employees for their efforts in decorating the town and commented that the town’s parade set the tone for the Christmas season.

Motion by Councilwoman Dickey, seconded by Councilwoman Kinn to adjourn. Roll call vote: Yeas 5, Nays 0, Abstain 0, Absent 0. Motion carried. Meeting Adjourned.

(s) Douglas Beavers, Mayor

(s) Deborah Durham, Town Clerk


Committed to working with the people and for the good of Pollock