September 2018 Council Meeting
Town of Pollock
Town Meeting Minutes
The Mayor & Town Council met on said date in a Regular Session at 9 A.M. in the Pollock Municipal Building Council Room, Pollock, La. The following members were present: Mayor Jerome Scott, Councilwoman Sharon Zeh, Councilman Ron Wilkins and Councilwoman Connie Vanantwerpen. Absent: Councilwoman Deborah Tumminello and Councilman Randy Estes.
Mayor Scott called Town Meeting to order by leading the “Lord’s Prayer”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Scott welcomed guests. He then requested prayer for Councilwoman Tumminello who was recently injured and awaiting surgery.
Motion was made to approve the August 6, 2018, Regular Meeting Minutes by Councilman Wilkins, seconded by Councilwoman Vanantwerpen. 3 yeas, 0 nays 2 absent. Motion carried.
Meeting open for Public Comments: Mr. Darin Pasche introduced himself to Mayor, Council & guests. He announced his candidacy for Grant Parish School Board (District #6) and reviewed his reasons for running for office.
Meeting open for Council Comments: No comments
Sidewalk Committee report: Councilwoman Zeh stated the committee recommended replacing and repairing the sidewalk (on Hunter Street) from the left of the electric pole between the parsonage and United Methodist Church and all the way down to Stewart Street. Mayor Scott asked for a vote from the Town Council on this matter. A motion was made by Councilwoman Zeh, seconded by Councilwoman Vanantwerpen for the Sidewalk Committee to obtain at least three bids for the Sidewalk Project. All in favor. None opposed. If the bids are $30,000. Or more, the bids must be accepted via newspaper advertising. If any of the bids come in under $10,000., then Mayor Scott will approve expenditures to complete the project as stated: 1) Replace the worst areas and repair the other areas as specified by the Sidewalk Committee. 2) Bumpers will be placed (by the Town of Pollock) beside the sidewalk to stop people from continuing to park on and ruin the sidewalk. 3)The Town of Pollock will place signs along the sidewalk so that individuals parking their cars can see that there will be no parking on the sidewalk.
Pan American engineer, Mr. Bill Dean had no comments.
C.P.A. Report: Mr. Steven McKay was unable to attend.
Attorney Greg Jones was unable to attend.
Chief of Police Chris Paul was unable to attend.
Town Clerk Judy Shelton disseminated the monthly Town of Pollock Financial Report.
Mayor’s report: (1) “A pat on the back to the Pollock Police Department. For the new vehicle recently purchased for the Pollock Police Department, a speed indicating radar unit was purchased through a U.S.D.A grant. This will save the town’s general fund $2,600. Congratulations, Chief Paul.” (2) “I will be presenting an inservice following this meeting on Discrimination in the Workplace, Sexual Harassment. This is mandatory for all Town of Pollock Employees and Town Council members.” (3) “Halloween ‘Boo in the Park’ will be October 31st in LaCroix Park, from 5:00 P.M. until 7:00 P.M. Everyone is encouraged to attend and to set up booths.” Please call Mayor Scott at 765-3796 if there are any questions.
Motion was made to adjourn by Councilwoman Vanantwerpen, seconded by Councilman Wilkins. 3 yeas, 0 nays, 2 absent. Motion carried unanimously.
Judy Shelton, Town Clerk