April 2019 Council Meeting
Town of Pollock
Public Hearing Meeting
Monday, April 1, 2019
Mayor Scott opened a scheduled Public Hearing on April 1, 2019, at 8:45 A.M., in the Pollock Municipal Building to obtain citizen views on community needs for a grant proposal for the fiscal year 2020/2021 Louisiana Community Development Block Grant.
Mayor Scott stated, “It has been determined by Pan American Engineers and the Town of Pollock Waste Treatment staff that there is a dire need to rehabilitate and upgrade the Town of Pollock’s Wet Well. If awarded to the Town of Pollock, The F.Y. 2020/2021 Louisiana Community Development Block Grant would fund, or at least assist with the funding of this much-needed project. Are there any town citizens present to present their views?” No citizens spoke up with views or statements, but Pan American Engineer Brenden Gaspard stated that the Town of Pollock has spent many, many thousands of dollars over the past few years trying to keep the old and well-worn wet well/lift station in working condition, and that this is a very needed and deserving project. Mr. Gaspard stated that an approximate cost to pursue the wet/well/ lift station project will be presented at the May 6, 2019 Pollock Town Council meeting.
Town of Pollock
Town Meeting Minutes
The Mayor & Town Council met on said date in a Regular Session at 9 A.M. in the Pollock Municipal Building Council Room, Pollock, La. The following members were present: Mayor Jerome Scott, Councilwoman Dee Thorne, Councilwoman Deborah Tumminello, Councilman Ron Wilkins, Councilman Carroll Cathey and Councilman Randy Estes.
Mayor Scott called Town Meeting to order by leading the “Lord’s Prayer”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Scott welcomed guests.
A motion was offered to approve the March 4, 2019, Public Hearing Meeting Minutes by Councilman Wilkins, seconded by Councilman Cathey. Roll call vote: 5 yeas, 0 nays 0 absent. The motion carried unanimously. A motion was then made by Councilman Wilkins, seconded by Councilman Cathey to approve the Regular Town Meeting Minutes of March 4, 2019. Roll call vote: 5 yeas, 0 nays, 0 absent. The motion carried unanimously.
Meeting open for Public Comments:
- Mr. David Haynes addressed Mayor Scott, Council and guests on behalf of Mr. Matt Parker, candidate for State Senate, who was unable to attend the Town Council Meeting. His platform includes education, jobs and roads. Mr. Parker will attend a future meeting.
- Mr. Winston Roberts addressed the Mayor and Council. He is running for Grant Parish Police Jury for his 3rd term and stated that he would appreciate everyone’s vote and support for another term. He stated that he has done some good work for our parish over the years with roads, drainage, and is trying to get a sewer project completed for outlying areas in Grant Parish.
- Mr. Alton Thorne asked Attorney Greg Jones for an update on his request that culverts be placed along John Street behind his and Councilwoman Thorne’s residence. Attorney Jones stated that he spoke to Pan American Engineers and they have inspected the ditch site for the possibility and feasibility of placing culverts in that location. Attorney Jones stated that he hopes to hear back from the engineers before the week is over and will address the issue at the May Town Council meeting.
- The meeting was opened by Mayor Scott for Councilmembers comments: Councilman Cathey asked the Town Council to look at the Exchange Club of Alexandria Income Statement that he placed at everyone’s place. He would like to discuss having a monthly financial statement like this one presented monthly to the Pollock Town Council and would like for it to be discussed at the May Council meeting. “We need a new finance report.”
Town Attorney Gregory Jones had no comment at this time
C.P.A. Report, Mr. Steven McKay was unable to attend.
Chief of Police disseminated the Police monthly report before meeting.
Finance Report: Town Clerk Judy Shelton disseminated the monthly Town of Pollock Finance Report.
Mayor’s report: Dogwood Parade Saturday, April 6th at 10 A.M. Easter Egg Hunt to be held on Saturday, April 13, 2019 starting at 10 A.M. with four different age group hunts, and each being 30 minutes apart. The Veterans Memorial was dedicated this month. It was a very nice service and was well attended. Thanks to those who made the memorial possible.
Motion was made to adjourn by Councilwoman Deborah Tumminello, seconded by Councilwoman Dee Thorne. All in favor, 5 yeas. Motion carried.
Judy Shelton, Town Clerk