Pollock, Louisiana

Growing For The Future 

July 2021 Meeting Minutes

Town of Pollock

Town Council Meeting Minutes

July 6, 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Mayor & Town Council met on said date in a Regular Session at 6 P.M. in the Pollock Municipal Building Council Room, Pollock, La.  The following members were present: Mayor Douglas Beavers, Councilwoman Cynthia Dickey, Councilwoman Misty Kinn and Councilman Mike Cryer.  Absent: Councilman Carroll Cathey and Councilwoman Dee Thorne. 

     Mayor Beavers called the meeting to order by leading the “Lord’s Prayer”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Mike Cryer.

     Mayor Beavers welcomed guests. 

     Meeting opened for public comments or questions from anyone in attendance.

     Motion was made to approve the monthly Meeting Minutes of June7, 2021, by Councilwoman Dickey, seconded by Councilman Cryer. Roll call vote:  Yeas 3, Nays 0, Absent 2.  Motion carried.

     Motion was made by Councilman Cryer, seconded by Councilwoman Dickey to appoint Councilwoman Dee Thorne as Mayor Pro Temp. Roll call vote: Yeas 3, Nays 0, Absent 2.  Motion carried.

     Motion was made by Councilwoman Dickey, seconded by Councilman Cryer to appoint Deborah Durham as Town Clerk.  Roll call vote: Yeas 3, Nays 0, Absent 2.  Motion carried.

     Motion was made by Councilwoman Dickey, seconded by Councilman Cryer to authorize the change of name on the Town of Pollock credit card from the former mayor, Jerome Scott to the current mayor, Douglas Beavers, at the time of renewal.  Roll call vote: Yeas 3, Nays 0, Absent 2.  Motion carried.

     Pan American Engineers representative, Mr. Jacob Guillory was present and introduced Mr. Spencer Gauthier to the town council members as Mr. Gauthier will be attending future town meetings.  Mr. Guillory gave an update on the street asphalt overlay project.  Some roads are complete and ready for dress up meaning the construction company will go back when all overlay is complete and smooth out the edges where the road meets the shoulder. 

     There was a discussion concerning the removal of Scott Loop from the asphalt overlay project and the cost that it would save the town by doing so.  Councilwoman Kinn had brought this street to the attention of the council in a previous meeting.

     Motion was made by Councilwoman Kinn, seconded by Councilwoman Dickey to make a change order to the contract to delete Scott Loop from the road project.  Roll call vote:  Yeas 3, Nays 0, Absent 2. Motion carried.

     The Exploratory Advisory Committee for Foster Park was present.  The mayor addressed the council concerning some of the findings of the committee concerning the park and the ADA compliance of the town as far as Foster Park is concerned. 

     Motion was made by Councilman Cryer, seconded by Councilwoman Dickey to approve a $240,000.00 budget for the Foster Park Renovations and introduce an Ordinance for Publication to amend the Capital Projects section of the 2021 Town Budget for that amount and set a public hearing for the August Town Meeting at 5:45 P.M.  Roll call vote:  Yeas 3, Nays 0, Absent 2.  Motion carried.

     Mr. Steven McKay, Town CPA presented the audit report for the year ending 2020. 

     Town Attorney Mr. Greg Jones gave a report on the COVID-19 Proclamations.  He also discussed the ordinance for keeping livestock within the town limits.  He presented the council with some information concerning this ordinance and recommended that the ordinance be amended. 

     Motion was made by Councilwoman Kinn, seconded by Councilwoman Dickey to present a proposed amendment to the ordinance regulating animals within the Town of Pollock at the August 2021 meeting at a public hearing at 5:45 P.M.  Roll call vote:  Yeas 3, Nays 0, Absent 2.  Motion carried.

     Chief Chris Paul gave a report concerning the Town of Pollock Police Department.  He notified the council that his department needed to hire another officer.  During this time, it was brought to the council’s attention, by a citizen that was present for the meeting, that one of the officers, Officer Justin Rachal had made a quick response and decision during his shift one evening when he noticed a house fire at her home.  The officer jumped into action and put the fire out, saving her home.  Officer Justin Rachal is to be commended for his actions and the help he gave this family during this situation.  Chief Paul congratulated the mayor and the entire staff for a great 4th of July celebration.  It was great to see so many from our community show up.

     Motion by Councilwoman Kinn, seconded by Councilwoman Dickey to authorize Chief Paul to hire an officer.  Roll call vote: Yeas 3, nays 0, Absent 2.  Motion carried.

     Mayor Beavers addressed some rumors concerning property tax, water and sewer rates and the police department.  There will not be any property tax added.  There currently is not a property tax within the city limits.  This will remain the same.  Water and sewer rates will not go up.  The rates have not changed and will remain the same.  The Police Department will not be altered in any way and will continue to be a part of the infrastructure of the Town of Pollock and will be supported by the Town of Pollock.

     Motion by Councilwoman Dickey, seconded by Councilwoman Kinn to adjourn.  Roll call vote:  Yeas 3, Nays 0, Absent 2.  Motion carried. 

Meeting Adjourned.   



(S)  Douglas Beavers                         

Douglas Beavers, Mayor



(S)  Deborah Durham                        

Deborah Durham, Town Clerk       


Committed to working with the people and for the good of Pollock